GOSICON Covid-19 April 2020

Director, Evert and Trustee, Daniela Smith participated as Faculty Speakers in a Geriatric Orthopaedic Association of India and Magna Wave Initiative designed to provide an overview of the orthopaedic and anaesthetic perspectives in the UK for Novel Covid 19. Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rajesh Malhotra, New Dehli also acted as faculty member. Moderator of the video conference was Dr SS Amarnath, Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Director Geriatric Orthopaedic Association of India, Secretary Geriatric Orthopaedic Society of India and Director of the Academy Trauma & Orthopaedic Master Surgeons. 

The conference was designed as an interactive forum and was live streamed to hundreds of doctors. The social, psychological and economic issues facing everyone during this unprecedented time were discussed. Presentations highlighted the general response of the medical fraternity in the management of the pandemic and specifically identified the rapidly changing role of orthopaedic surgeons and surgery; as well as the impact on anaesthetists in relation to the virus. 

Online participants were able to discuss and debate the content of the talks given by the 

faculty at the end of the conference.

The meeting was well received by all involved.

Stay safe. Follow government advice - stay at home and keep well at this troubling time.